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6 Dos And Dont’s To Follow For Sex During Pregnancy

6 Dos And Dont’s To Follow For Sex During Pregnancy

6 dos and don’ts to follow for sex during pregnancy Pregnancy is often accompanied by well-meaning pieces of advice from our loved ones. Also, first-time moms often try to read up every parenting magazine they can lay their hands on, or browse the internet for answers in an effort to be better prepared.
Five Complicated Risks Of Smoking During Pregnancy

Five Complicated Risks Of Smoking During Pregnancy

Five complicated risks of smoking during pregnancy Smoking and pregnancy aren’t words that people tend to say together in one sentence. Smoking during pregnancy put both the pregnant woman and her baby at risk. Cigarettes are full of toxic and harmful chemicals like carbon monoxide, tar, nicotine, etc. The risks of the complications that are associated with pregnancy significantly increase because of smoking.
Healthy Food Items That Promote Mental Health

Healthy Food Items That Promote Mental Health

“Every time you eat or drink, you are either feeding disease or fighting it” — a quote by Heather Morgan, MS, NLC, is enough to suggest how important it is to eat consciously. Your diet has a significant impact on your mental and physical wellbeing. Therefore, self-care, which is an essential part of treating depression, should vastly include the right diet that would promote mental wellbeing.
5 Healthy Snack Ideas For Your Kid

5 Healthy Snack Ideas For Your Kid

Don’t we always wonder why most healthy food tastes bland and boring! Getting the kids to eat is a task in itself, but add the hurdle of “healthy” and the job gets even tougher. It is a real challenge to keep the food healthy, yet fun for the kids to consume without trouble.
6 Natural Ways To Overcome Erectile Dysfunction

6 Natural Ways To Overcome Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is more prevalent than most people would like to acknowledge. ED makes it difficult for men to have a normal sex life and this often gives rise to anxiety and embarrassment. Usually, ED is more persistent in men over 40 but given the current scenario where everyone has to deal with work or personal life-related stress, it has started affecting the younger lot as well.
6 Essential Ingredients That Are Used In The Manufacture Of Lipsticks

6 Essential Ingredients That Are Used In The Manufacture Of Lipsticks

If you take a look inside most of the makeup kits in the world at present, you can be sure to find at least one lipstick. Ancient Egyptians discovered natural ways to manufacture and use makeup nearly 4000 years ago. Back then, it was something that only the rich and the elite had access to.
5 Healthy Foods To Eat During Menopause

5 Healthy Foods To Eat During Menopause

Menopause brings with it several symptoms like dry skin, night sweats, and hot flashes. Besides, it often causes a lot of changes in a woman’s body, like weak bones and high cholesterol levels, also leading to long-term health repercussions. This is why it becomes important to manage what a woman eats to alleviate the symptoms of menopause and prevent long-term effects on their health.
Best Food Items To Keep Your Liver Healthy

Best Food Items To Keep Your Liver Healthy

Liver, one of the largest organs in the body, has many roles to play. One of the primary functions of the liver is to convert the nutrients you consume through a well-balanced diet into certain substances that the body uses for various functions. Keeping the liver healthy should be one of your primary concerns as it is one of the most vital organs of the body.