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Popular Individual Insurance Plans Offered by UnitedHealthcare

Popular Individual Insurance Plans Offered by UnitedHealthcare

Around nine out of ten individuals would state reliable healthcare as being a priority in their lives. We have noticed that healthcare costs, despite major discoveries and scientific advancements, are not getting any cheaper. It is, therefore, not surprising, that every family earmarks a portion of their income for healthcare.
A Balanced Food Diet for Diabetics

A Balanced Food Diet for Diabetics

Individuals who have been diagnosed with diabetes are always advised to get onto the right diet plans as a first step for keeping the blood glucose levels in check for the long term. A balanced diet would include vegetables, fruits, and all forms of healthy proteins. This type of a well-planned diet is not only useful for boosting overall health but also avoid any form of complications in the future.
Diets to Follow for IBS

Diets to Follow for IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome, or IBS, leads to constant changes in bowel movements. While some individuals suffer from constipation, others experience diarrhea. This may be accompanied by abdominal pain and cramps, leading to difficulties in everyday life. Medical intervention is of utmost importance for IBS to help one deal with the symptoms, but some diets can also help manage the symptoms by avoiding foods that trigger the symptoms and adding foods that are good for IBS.
Foods That Should and Should Not Be Eaten by Diabetics

Foods That Should and Should Not Be Eaten by Diabetics

When you have been diagnosed with diabetes, the first thing that almost anyone ever recommends or even utters to you is to control your food. Diabetes is one condition that is directly related to the food you eat. While you may be following a balanced diet, you always need to ensure that what you are eating is indeed right for you.
Foods That Reduce the Symptoms of Asthma

Foods That Reduce the Symptoms of Asthma

Many philosophers believe that food is the best medicine; Hippocrates believed in that too. Despite the advances in medicine, healthcare technology, new surgical procedures, and medical discoveries, there are many diseases that still don’t have a cure. Scientists, doctors, and researchers are working against time to find a cure to many diseases like cancer, arthritis, asthma, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, etc.
5 Foods to Soothe Migraine Headaches

5 Foods to Soothe Migraine Headaches

Migraine is a headache varying in intensity for different individuals and is often accompanied by nausea and sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine attacks can last for hours or even days, and the intense pain may hinder your everyday activities as well. While there isn’t any particular cause for a migraine, there are various triggers like hormonal changes, stress, anxiety, insufficient sleep, and improper diet.
6 Foods to Relieve Constipation

6 Foods to Relieve Constipation

When an individual fails to have not more than three bowel movements in a week, they are said to be constipated. It can be caused by dehydration, lack of dietary fiber, physical inactivity, or even due to a side effect of certain medications. While taking medicines help, in the long run, they can be harmful.
Here’s How You Can Prevent Diabetes

Here’s How You Can Prevent Diabetes

Diabetes has become a common concern for thousands of people across the globe. Diabetes essentially has two main types: Type I and Type II. While Type I is a chronic disease, Type II is a common metabolic and chronic disease. With the rapid increase in the number of people suffering from Type II diabetes, it has now become essential to take as many preventive measures as possible.