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6 signs and symptoms of prostate cancer

6 signs and symptoms of prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is a form of cancer that affects the prostate gland, which is a part of the male reproductive system. The primary function of this small and walnut-shaped gland is to produce seminal fluid that nourishes and transports sperm and controls urination. This common form of cancer is easy to treat if it is diagnosed in the early stages, that is, while it is still confined to the prostate gland.
A guide to the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis

A guide to the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is a form of arthritis that affects patients who suffer from psoriasis, an autoimmune skin condition. Psoriasis is marked by the formation of red patches on the skin that may flake. Patients may also develop white or silvery scales that itch and peel. Let’s take a look at the main symptoms of psoriatic arthritis.
7 early symptoms of lung cancer

7 early symptoms of lung cancer

The possibility of lung cancer should not be taken lightly. This disease, in its initial stages, may not present any apparent symptoms, which is why several people go undiagnosed until the disease has reached an advanced stage. Given below are seven early symptoms of lung cancer that, if spotted, should encourage you to seek a doctor’s consultation.
The look into the stages of lung cancer

The look into the stages of lung cancer

Lung cancer is a condition in which cells in the lungs grow at an abnormal rate. It is of two common types: small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Among these, NSCLC is the most commonly diagnosed type. It makes up around 80%-85% of all cases, out of which 30% develop in the cells found in the lining of the body’s cavities and surfaces.  On the other hand, small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) diagnosed  only 15%-20% of the time.
Diet tips for psoriasis

Diet tips for psoriasis

Some of the most common triggers for people diagnosed with psoriasis are stress levels, weather, and any other flare-up triggers. However, one of the most common questions asked by many is: how much does one have to watch what they eat? How does food affect the impact of psoriasis? In general, a balanced diet is one that has loads of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.
Foods to have if suffering from lung cancer

Foods to have if suffering from lung cancer

There is a lot of research available today on the types of food that should be eaten or avoided when one is diagnosed with any form of cancer, including lung cancer. Diet forms a major part of one’s life and some foods help in reducing the risk of diseases. If you eat the right kinds of food when suffering from a disease like lung cancer, it can help manage the condition.
4 common risk factors of bladder cancer

4 common risk factors of bladder cancer

The fourth most common form of cancer, bladder cancer is known to affect nearly 68,000 adults in the country annually. It has been mostly observed in men, especially older men, but bladder cancer can also affect women as well as younger adults. This type of cancer occurs when the cells in the bladder become abnormal and grow without control.
Top 5 reasons why you should sign up for health insurance

Top 5 reasons why you should sign up for health insurance

Your medical expenses bill after getting treated at a hospital could leave you distressed. To save you from such unprecedented bills, there are health insurance plans. They help you with hospital bills, emergency medical services, and some prescription drugs. It is necessary for everyone to have access to health insurance, especially in countries that don’t have universal healthcare policies.