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All You Need to Know about Joint Pain

All You Need to Know about Joint Pain

Joint pain is a kind of pain, discomfort, or inflammation that occurs from any part of joints like the bone, cartilage, ligaments, muscles, or tendons. Mainly, joint pain is referred to as arthritis or arthralgia which entails inflammation or pain from the joint itself. This type of joint pain can be mild without affecting the body or it could even be severe with limited body movement.
Here’s What You Need to Know about ADHD

Here’s What You Need to Know about ADHD

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a type of a behavioral disorder that not only affects children but also adults. The most common symptoms of this condition include being inattentive, impulsive, and hyperactive. Medication and counseling are two of the most successful treatment options in this scenario. If proper treatment is done, then in most of the cases, one can effectively combat the condition.
Know the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments of Eczema

Know the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments of Eczema

Eczema is one of the most common health problems faced by the citizens in the country. Non-contagious in nature, this skin disease affects especially the infants and kids. Diagnosed easily by an inflammation and redness of the skin along with roughness, cracks, and itchiness, these symptoms vary from person to person depending on their age group.
Facts to Know about Dementia

Facts to Know about Dementia

Dementia is basically a broader term used for the various cognitive abnormalities which a person develops. It can be a precursor of various diseases and brain disorders. A patient can experience forgetfulness and permanent loss of memory in this case. Alzheimer’s disease is the primary type of dementia, causing up to 60% of the total cases.
Important Information on Cervical Cancer

Important Information on Cervical Cancer

At some point in their lives, some females are found to be diagnosed with cervical cancer. Cervical cancer causes tumor formation in the cervical region that may get aggravated to develop into malignancies. The lowest narrow part of the uterus is called the cervix. It is the cylindrical portion primarily composed of fibromuscular tissue.
Everything You Need to Know about Multiple Myeloma

Everything You Need to Know about Multiple Myeloma

Multiple myeloma is a type of leukemia or blood cancer and occurs in the plasma or the white blood cells that usually produce antibodies to fight infection. However, due to the building up of cancerous cells, they get accumulated near the bone marrow by multiplying uncontrollably and eventually do not form antibodies to fight the infections.
Everything You Need to Know about Liver Cancer

Everything You Need to Know about Liver Cancer

Liver cancer is characterized by the unmanageable growth of cells of the liver. Cancer, which originates in the liver is mainly regarded as liver cancer or hepatic cancer. Sometimes, cancer from other parts of the body may spread to the liver, such as from the colon, lungs or breast and that is called liver metastasis.
Important Facts to Know about Heart Attack

Important Facts to Know about Heart Attack

Heart attack, also known as Myocardial Infarction, is very common in the country. In fact, it is so random that it happens to people every 40 seconds. The heart is a muscle that needs proper nourishment with oxygen and this oxygen is supplied to the heart through the blood. When the arteries to a certain segment of the heart are collapsed or blocked, the oxygen supply to the heart is stopped and as a result, the heart muscles begin to die.