Here’s how to choose the perfect pair of running shoes
Picking the right pair of running shoes is the first and most important step for an everyday jogger. It can protect your feet and legs from injury and even elevate your running experience. So, if you’ve been wondering how to purchase the right pair of running shoes for your feet, here are some tips that can help:
Choose a pair that’s designed for running
Running shoes often look like sneakers but are far superior. Running shoes are designed to prevent damage to the knees and ankle. Special cushioning and added foam help with shock absorption. So, when you’re buying running shoes, keep in mind to steer clear of sneakers or comfort wear.

The right fit matters
Aside from picking the right type of running shoes, you need to get a well-fitting pair. Wearing ill-fitted running shoes can put you at risk of extreme pain and injury. To make sure you pick the right size, try going shopping at the end of the day. This is because your feet can swell throughout the day, so trying out shoes in the afternoon or evening can help you get a more accurate fit.
Going out of budget is worth the money
Consider splurging a little more than usual and get the pair of running shoes you normally wouldn’t bother looking at. This, of course, doesn’t mean that you should buy the most fancy pair you see. You simply need to consider not going for the most inexpensive one. This is because when it comes to running shoes, the more the cost means the more the comfort and protection offered by the manufacturer. An inexpensive pair that has less cushioning and shock absorption can actually do you more harm than good.